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The outdoors is important to you. You probably met, or had one of your first dates, around a campfire. You fell in love while exploring the outdoors. Mountains, rivers and canyons have been your playgrounds for years. Shared experiences of excitement, joy and wonder helped you form a bond that will last forever. 

Now, you have children (or are expecting).

You are worried that the adventures, the shared excitement, joy and wonder are going to be replaced by diaper bags, story time at the library and play dates at the local park. That your days in the mountains, at the crags, on the rivers are now forever behind you.

Society tells you to keep your kids home, where they can be safe and protected from the “dangers” of the wild. Maybe you will take your children out camping when they get a little older, introduce them to the places you’ve loved when they are old enough to appreciate them and can withstand the perceived danger of the outdoors.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

You can have children and a life in the outdoors. It is not only possible, but very practical and easy. Your children will grow up with the same memories, the same experiences of excitement, joy and wonder that brought you together. 

We built this site because we are you. Fifteen years ago, faced with the impending birth of our first child, we asked ourselves. “Is it all over?” We knew friends who had hung up their rock shoes for good, mothballed their tents and committed themselves to a life less wild.  

Thankfully, we got some key advice from sage friends that set us on our path. Using this advice we have been able to:

  • Take our daughter up her first Fourteener, Mt Elbert, at six months old.
  • Live for months at a time out on the road. With kids, AND it’s awesome!
  • Bring our three year old on her first river rafting trip down Ruby/Horsethief Canyon.
  • Watch our four year old put down 7+ mile days on her first backpacking trip.
  • Continue to tick off life-goal peaks and climbs such as the Grand Teton, Mt Rainier, the Naked Edge and Castleton Tower. 
  • Climb way harder than we ever did pre-kids.
  • And SO much more.

Along the way we discovered the concepts behind financial independence and now expect to “retire” way earlier than one would expect two teachers to be able to. We invite you to join us on our journey in becoming dirtbag millionaires.

We have brought our girls up to love and cherish the outdoors and we want you to have those experiences too! 

See you out there,

The Home On The Loose Crew